In the column above are photos of Dirk Powell
leading an accordion workshop. Mitchell Reed is shown
immediately above with a couple of the younger workshop
In the left column, Dexter Ardoin helps a camper with
accordion fingering. He is also shown under a canopy leading a
Creole accordion workshop.
Michael Doucet teamed with Mitchell Reed
in the afternoon to lead a workhop on the twin fiddle style of
Dennis McGee and Sady Courville.
D'Jalma Garnier led a workshop on
the Creole fiddling style of Canray Fontenot, assisted by Cedric
Watson, a young fiddler from Houston who has learned to play and
sing Canray's music.
Herman Fuselier, entertainment editor of The
Lafayette Daily Advertiser, is shown below at the start of a workshop he
gave on zydeco music: yesterday and today,
In the bottom photo, Christine Balfa Powell is
shown working with
campers on the vocals to the "Balfa Waltz."
