More from the Cajun Prairie Festival

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Jackie Miller and Larry Miller of Iota were inside the Jean Lafitte Center explaining and demonstrating their crafts. Jackie Miller makes Mardi Gras masks in the tradition of the Tee-Mamou Mardi Gras. Larry Miller is an accordion-maker who also crafts triangles and frottoirs.


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Alicia Palmer uses cypress knees to create colorful works of art.
claudep.jpg (14228 bytes)Dr. Claude Oubre of LSUE and his wife, Pat, were among the craftspeople outside from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., showing a variety of handmade items. The Oubres make rosaries.


Liberty.jpg (20765 bytes)A two-story banner was draped from the Liberty Theatre proclaiming Louisiana's celebration of three centuries of French traditions.