The performance featured several numbers that are part of the Balfa
Toujours 2000 CD release, Live at Whiskey River Landing, such as Dirk Powell's
new song, "Le Two-Step de Bon Café" and Nathan Abshire's "La Valse de
Bélizaire," sung by Kevin Wimmer.
Courtney Granger, shown at left, was a guest performer in Breaux
Bridge but has now rejoined the group as a regular member. |
Pictured at left is Christine Balfa's sister, Nelda. She used
to be a regular member of the group. Currently, she joins them from time to time
when they perform in the Lafayette area. At the festival, she sang Lawrence Walker's
"Valse de Reno" (named for a nightclub between Kaplan and Abbeville). Her own
songs like "Pop, tu me parles toujours," "Après nous espérer," and
"La marraine," recorded on the group's first two albums, are touching tributes
based on memories of her father, mother, and family. |