Note: The information on this page was current in
2004. In addition to playing accordion, Jude Moreau is an accordion
builder. In 2008, he posts regularly on
the Cajun Accordion Discussion Group.
Jude Moreau is a Texas Cajun living in Groves near
Port Arthur. He has joined with other Texas Cajuns and a Creole fiddler
to form a band, the Bon Temps Playboys, dedicated to preserving
traditional Cajun music. They play at venues like Larry's French Market
in Groves and elsewhere in Southeast Texas. The photos on this page
were taken when the group performed at the Liberty Theater in Eunice and at
Festivals Acadiens in Lafayette in September 2003.
Jude Moreau fondly remembers his family roots in the
rural community of Pecanière, near Leonville in St. Landry Parish. His "La Valse de
Pecanière" on the group's 2002 CD is a tribute to his father, the late
Ashton Joseph Moreau. He sings the lyrics in French and recites an
English translation near the end.
Other songs on the CD, titled Retourner au Les
Vieux Temps, are Cajun standards by Iry LeJeune, Adam Hebert, and
others. Most of them are sung by Roland Ledet, a great Cajun
vocalist for whom everything in the music seems to be a natural
expression of who he is and what he feels. Among the cuts are "Les
flammes d'enfer,"
"Valse à Tolan," "La Queue d'tortue," "Pour la
dernière fois," "Valse de
Alida," "Viens m' chercher," "Love Bridge Waltz,"
and "The Evangeline
Roland Ledet's twin daughters, Leona and Leanna
Ledet, offer some beautiful harmony vocals on "Grand Mamou" and "Tes
yeux bleus." They have been nominated by the Cajun French Music
Association to receive a Le Cajun Award as female vocalists of the year
for 2003.
Another strength of the CD is the fiddle playing
of Edward Poullard, who is completely at home with both Cajun and Creole
fiddling. Rather than concern himself with musical categories, he has
always found true pleasure in making beautiful, heartfelt music, "la
musique française."
Blaine Thibodeaux plays drums on the CD.
The CD also includes a couple of instrumentals,
"Papa George Special" and "Midnight Playboy Special."
Several band members may be contacted by e-mail:
Jude Moreau, Roland Ledet,
Leanna Ledet Robles, and
Leona Ledet.
The CD was released in 2002
by Louisiana Radio Records.


Shown from the top of the right column are Jude
Moreau, Roland Ledet, and Ed Poullard at the 2003 Festivals Acadiens in
Lafayette. Jude Moreau and Roland Ledet are also pictured at the Liberty
Theater in Eunice. In the left column, Leanna Ledet is shown at
Festivals Acadiens in the top photo playing bass. Leanna Ledet is
playing guitar at the Liberty.