Larrell Richard serves up plates of jambalaya from
his grosse chaudière

On stage at the Liberty for
the 900th show were the Lost Bayou Ramblers and
Creole Stomp. Louis
Michot, fiddler and vocalist with the
Bayou Ramblers, shown in the second photo in
this column, sang an original composition, "The
Liberty Theater Special," written as a tribute to
the 900th show. Among their other numbers, the band
performed swing music by the Hackberry Ramblers.
Alan LeFleur, shown in the right column, is playing
a bass signed by members of the Hackberry
Ramblers. Dennis
Stroughmatt, shown in the photo immediately above,
is the leader of the band
Creole Stomp.
He lives in Illinois but has spent a lot of time in
Louisiana, performing with musicians like Sheryl
Cormier and Dexter Ardoin. In 2005,
Flat Town
Music released Le Tracas de Morris, a CD
in which he teams with Morris Ardoin, and Creole
Stranger, a Creole Stomp CD (the title cut is
by Dennis). Jennifer, Dennis' wife, is shown in the
right column on triangle.
In the photo immediately below,
host Barry Ancelet holds the mike for Larrell
Richard. |
Click here for the Liberty schedule.
The Liberty Center for the
Performing Arts, known to just about everyone as the
Liberty Theater or just "the Liberty," celebrated
the 900th edition of the Rendez Vous des Cajuns
radio program on February 19, 2005. The theater
dates from the early 1920s, but it was through the
hard work of community and cultural leaders like
former Eunice Mayor Curtis Joubert, Marc and Ann
Savoy, and many others that the Liberty was
restored and the Saturday radio show began in 1987.
Central to the success of the program has been
the host, Dr. Barry Ancelet of the University of
Louisiana at Lafayette, along with numerous volunteers
backstage and others like videographer Jerry
Devillier, plus the support of the National Park
Service, the City of Eunice, and other agencies and
Over the years, of course, countless
great musicians have performed on the Liberty's
stage, receiving in return much less than they
deserve financially but finding the experience
deeply rewarding in the knowledge that they are helping to
sustain the cultural legacy of Southwest Louisiana.
They also know that the audiences at the Liberty
appreciate good music when they hear it.
The Liberty audience on a typical
Saturday night includes visitors from a number of
other states and several foreign countries, along
with Cajun music fans from the region who decide to
make a trip to Eunice to see a favorite band. But
there is also a core of regulars who are there every
Saturday night, dancing, enjoying the music and
having fun together. They speak French and can serve
as interpreters for other audience members who miss
the punch lines of the jokes Barry Ancelet tells in
French. On several special occasions, they have
gotten together to prepare a meal for the Liberty
audiences, with the supplies donated by various
businesses. Again, for the 900th show, Larrell
Richard cooked up some of the best jambalaya ever
made served up in his grosse chaudière noire. Other
regulars served cake and made the evening into a
real celebration.
