All of the pictures on this page of Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys were taken at the Eunice Cajun Prairie Folklife Festival during the Playboys' performance from 8 to 10 p.m. on the main stage next to City Hall. As usual, the Playboys did not hold back, and neither did the crowd. In addition to Steve Riley on accordion, David Greely is shown on fiddle. Sam Broussard has brought a wealth of musical experience to the band on guitar, and he also joins in on the vocals. The area near the bandstand is always packed with Steve Riley fans, including, on this night, one young lady who offered him a kiss.
Click here to go to LSUE's music page on Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys. Click here to return to the first page on the 2001 festival. |
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Go to LSUE Pages for Prospective Students These pages provided courtesy of Louisiana State University at Eunice. All photos taken by LSUE. |