The Superdome will be ready for the opening home game of the Saints'
2006 football schedule, but at the time of the 2006 Mardi Gras
Marathon it was still being repaired, so the marathon was
headquartered adjacent to the dome instead of the traditional
location inside.

Downtown New Orleans can be seen in the background from a shot
taken on a Superdome ramp before the start of the race. Some
hurricane-damaged windows in the high rise structure
at right are still boarded up.

Jackson Square and the St. Louis Cathedral look as beautiful as
ever, seen literally on the run as the marathoners headed down

The French Market and the Café du Monde are on the left.

A house on Mirabeau Ave. still bears the painted markings from
search and rescue teams who found no bodies in this residence.
Water was up to 10 feet deep in this neighborhood. Notice the relatively good condition of the roof, an indication
that winds were not anywhere near Category 3 strength. New
Orleans' flood protection was supposed to have been designed by
the Army Corps of Engineers to withstand a Category 3 storm.

Runners headed down the broad paths of Audubon Park. At the
entrance and exit to the park, someone had placed signs telling
runners, for example, to "Keep Running ... FEMA won't help you." The sign below says, "Katrina
Recovery It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint." The other sign
mocks the silly uproar outside New Orleans over Mayor Ray Nagin's pledge that New Orleans would once more be a "chocolate
city." Earlier in the marathon, a large banner proclaiming
"A Turn for the Worse" had been placed by someone across the
road where
the runners headed toward a devastated Mid City neighborhood.
Another sign held from a balcony read, "Rebuilding New Orleans,
One Drink at a Time," a play on the marathon slogan that
referred to "one stride at a time."

Stragglers head toward the finish line.

David Simpson, the straggler who did this
write-up, poses with a pigeon behind him in a photo taken after
the marathon with a cheap digital camera
using the self-timer.
Click for a short postscript.
A Different Kind
of Courir
I discovered on
February 5, 2006, that, when they have a
Mardi Gras run in
New Orleans, it's a bit different from the Mardi Gras runs
around Eunice: no chicken chasing, no begging, and no drinking
during the run except for Gatorade. Actually, when I found out
in mid-December that New Orleans would accept the immense
challenge in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina of holding the
41st annual Mardi Gras Marathon this year, I decided I would
take part, even though I knew I would be rather ill-prepared for
the third marathon I had ever attempted in my life. A lot of
other people from all over had the same response. Runners
from all 50 states and from 18 other countries entered the race,
a remarkable showing of solidarity with the City of New Orleans.
The Mardi Gras marathon is not really one of the top-ranked
races in the nation, so the great diversity of participants from
near and far was truly a testament to the love that so many people
have for the city. The success of the 2006 marathon under
difficult circumstances should enhance the event's national
status in the future. Another running opportunity in New Orleans
is the 10K Crescent City Classic,
held each April (April 15, 2006).
Scenes Along the
The race route
started at the Superdome, headed down Decatur Street through the French
Quarter, turned onto Esplanade Avenue and then went along the City
Park into the Gentilly area, past homes that in September were
inundated when the 17th Street Canal flood wall collapsed. The
route then headed back past the Superdome and uptown on Prytania
to Audubon Park before returning to the dome for the finish.
Quick glimpses of the passing scenery as we went along offer a
partial picture of what New Orleans is like today. Even with
dumpsters filled with debris and gutted houses, the city remains
beautiful. The French Quarter once more is attracting tourists,
some of whom were out early for coffee at Café du Monde as we
jogged past on Decatur. The trip through a section of Gentilly,
however, was heartbreaking. The shells of the homes were intact,
and a number of residents were camped in trailers beside their
houses, trying to rebuild. A few residents were out to cheer us
on. However, the majority of the homes on the street we ran
down appear to have been vacated by owners who may never
return. In the Garden District and Uptown neighborhoods, which
did not flood, people were standing on the curbs or shouting
encouragement from balconies, and, in Aububon Park, we ran along
paths beside New Orleanians who had decided to take a stroll in
the park on a beautiful Sunday morning. All along the route, New
Orleans City Police stopped traffic at intersections, assistance
that runners gratefully acknowledged as we went past. Hundreds
of volunteers handed out cups of Gatorade and water, along with
various snacks. When I
finally arrived back at the dome with the other stragglers, I chowed down on four small bowls of red beans and rice. I was
walking away from the dome toward my hotel when I heard in the
distance behind me the unmistakable sound of "La chanson de
Mardi Gras" coming from the speakers that played recorded music
while an announcer called out the names of runners as they
crossed the finish line. For more than five minutes, runners
ended their New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon to the tune of rural Acadiana's Mardi Gras song, performed in an extended version by
Michael Doucet and BeauSoleil.
New Orleans Open
for Tourism
My visit to New
Orleans in early February 2006 confirms what I have been
hearing: New Orleans is open for tourists. While the chain
motels outside the central business district still were taken
over by evacuees and recovery workers, the downtown hotels
welcomed visitors. Many restaurants have reopened. Clubs that
book Cajun and Zydeco bands like the Rock 'n' Bowl and Tipitina's
(with its Sunday fais do-do featuring Bruce Daigrepont) have
been open for a couple of months. Bourbon Street has, of
course, long since returned to its usual activities.
Streetcars are running once again. A number
of stores along Canal Street remain boarded up while renovations
are under way, but, early Saturday evening, downtown was bustling
with people. Mardi Gras
will be scaled back some in 2006, but the parade bleachers
and stands were already in place in early February. The
Jazz Fest will be held later this spring, so visitors will have plenty to
see and hear.
A Commentary
New Orleans is a good
place to visit, but for the city to return to anything like its
former vibrancy, more native New Orleanians need an opportunity
to go home. Their city was taken away from them by a hurricane
that, if the levee and floodwall protection had worked as it was
supposed to, should not have caused the worst catastrophe ever
to hit a major American city. When I bought a Times-Picayune
newspaper the evening before the marathon, I read a news report
that confirmed the suspicions I have held ever since the day
after the hurricane. The winds that hit the city were no
stronger than a Category 2 storm and the flood protection was
supposed to protect against a Category 3, so something had gone
seriously wrong. According to the Feb. 4 story, an error in
transferring soil boring data to a cross-sectional drawing used to design the 17th Street Canal flood wall led
engineers to believe that firm clay soil existed below 16 or so
feet down when in fact in the area where the flood wall failed
the soil was composed of unstable, porous organic material down
to 30 feet. The engineering assumptions were based on faulty
information, so the wall did not hold as the engineers thought
it would. The information may have been prepared by a
consultant, but the Army Corps of Engineers hired the firm and,
based on the preliminary findings described in the
Times-Picayune article and on other reports, the
Corps of Engineers should bear ultimate responsibility for the
wall's collapse that flooded Lakeview, Gentilly, and other sections of New
Given the federal
role in the failure to provide protection at the expected level, it is
dismaying to many of us in Louisiana that President Bush is now
opposing legislation by Republican Congressman Richard Baker from
Baton Rouge (and endorsed by the rest of the Louisiana
delegation, Democrat and Republican) to form the Louisiana
Recovery Corporation that would use $30 billion in treasury bonds to
purchase hurricane damaged homes on parcels that would be
repackaged and redeveloped. Money from the sale of the
properties would go back to the federal government. If this
proposal is not a good idea, then New Orleans, as well as areas
of Southwest Louisiana that were leveled by Hurricane Rita, needs
some other effective means to promote rebuilding of homes. If
the housing stock remains in ruins, people cannot return to the
area, business recovery will be very weak, and New Orleans and
other hard-hit sections of Louisiana will be struggling for
decades to come.
--David Simpson
All photos on this page were taken with an
inexpensive digital camera. Though the photo quality is low, the
camera kept working even after it was dropped on the Decatur Street
Posted 2-5-06
Fall 2006 Postscript
When I took part in the marathon in early
February 2006, we had to start outside the Superdome because the
usual starting point inside was still undergoing major repairs
after Hurricane Katrina. As millions of people who watched the
New Orleans Saints' victory on Sept. 25, 2006, know, the
Superdome is now back better than ever, the Saints are playing
superbly, and New Orleans is up and running, welcoming visitors.
Yes, some sections of the city are still in ruins, but the parts
that visitors want to see and enjoy are open. New Orleans is a
beautiful, unique, fascinating city. Louisiana is a state that
can offer you experiences you will find nowhere else. Come see
for yourself.
Major credit for the return of the New
Orleans Saints to the Superdome belongs to
Paul Tagliabue, the outgoing NFL
commissioner, who, it should be noted, also made a generous
contribution to support the
2006 Dewey
Balfa Cajun and Creole Heritage Week.
--D.S., posted 9-26-06